Suitable for rooms up to 90m² / 225m³ / 965ft² - Dehumidification capacity 25 liters per day(30°C / Rv80%)
For an optimal indoor climate, humidity is crucial. The optimal humidity recommended by medical specialists in closed rooms is in the range of 40 to 60% relative humidity.
If the air in indoor spaces is too humid, the air quality can be greatly adversely affected by mold spores, allergens and respiratory problems.
Optimal humidity is essential for health and damage prevention
The multi-purpose Clean Air Optima® dehumidifier CA-708 Smart functions preventively to prevent high humidity and all-destructive corrosion, harmful condensation, ice and mold, prevents unwanted bacterial growth, reduces odor transfer and is effective for building drying in existing or new construction.
The powerful Clean Air Optima® condensation - dehumidifier CA-708 Smart battles rust and mold!
In addition to the containment of mold spores, this multifunctional dehumidifier CA-708 Smart from Clean Air Optima® frees indoor air from troublesome animal hairs, pollen and dust through the integrated continuous operation and highly effective air purifier function with five-fold filter technology.
Allergy patients can finally breathe healthy again!
With its slimline, fitted lines in the exclusive design and neutral color scheme, this compact dehumidifier fits into any interior. The Clean Air Optima® condensing - dehumidifier CA-708 Smart is suitable for automatic dehumidification due to its built-in hygrostat. Just configure the desired humidity and this efficient dehumidifier will do the rest.
Dehumidifier CA-708 Smart: a four-season system
With the 2in1 function for dehumidification and air purification, the CA-708 Smart ensures an optimal indoor climate all year round. When the set relative humidity is reached, dehumidification stops. With its continuous air cleaning function, the multifunctional Clean Air Optima® CA-708 Smart frees indoor air of allergens, mold spores, annoying animal hairs, pollen, (fine) dust and odors all year round.
Indoor air dehumidification by condensation technique
The compact and powerful Clean Air Optima® condensation - dehumidifier CA-708 Smart with 2in1 system for dehumidification and air purification extracts excess moisture from indoor rooms up to 90m²/225m³ with a capacity of up to 25 liter / day (30°C/Rv80%) and actively protects against the development of mold, stains, corrosion and mud odor. This also protects the building substance and more importantly your health.
The condensation dryer is the type of dehumidifier most commonly used and the CA-708 Smart can be used in a wide temperature range between 5 and 32°C.
This effective dehumidifier is equipped with a compressor that directs the moist indoor air past a cooling element. Humid ambient air is thus cooled in a very short time. The moisture in the air condenses because air can hold less moisture at low temperatures. The condensation is collected in the water tank or can be drained directly by connecting the supplied drain hose.
Five filter technologies for effective air cleaning
1. Activated Carbon Filter
Activated carbon neutralizes smoke, chemicals, gases and odors, prevents the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
2. Pre-filter
Pre-filter captures large dust particles such as: lint, hair and pet dander.
3. TRUE HEPA H13 filter with nano silver coating
Purifies 99.97% of all suspended matter down to 0.3 micrometers (0.3 µm) from the air. The HEPA filter is the most effective air filter for removing:
• (fine) dust, cigarette smoke, pollen
• allergens
• any other solid particles
The antibacterial layer of nano silver coating on the filter, eliminates bacteria and fungi..
4. UV-C Lamp
The ultraviolet light from the permanent lamp (UV-C radiation) with a wavelength of 254nm, kills health-damaging microorganisms such as: germs, viruses, fungi (mold spores) and bacteria.
5. Ionisator
Capacity > 3,000,000 negative ions / cm³ that are dispersed throughout the room, neutralizing harmful substances and odors. The ionizer produces negative ions for cleaning indoor air and enriching it with active oxygen. Unpleasant odors are neutralized and pollutants are purified from the air. Negative ions also have a strong antistatic effect.
Built-in hygrostat for automatic dehumidification
The Clean Air Optima® condensing - dehumidifier CA-708 Smart features a built-in hygrostat for measuring, monitoring and automatically controlling relative humidity. The desired humidity can be set between 35 and 80% relative humidity. By default, this dehumidifier is pre-programmed to achieve the medically recommended optimal relative humidity of 55%. When the minimum attainable value of 35% is set, continuous operation follows, with the unit stopping only at automatic shutdown due to a full water tank.
The thoughtful design also communicates the humidity via the round color monitor on the front of the unit.
BLUE = dry air range = <53%
GREEN = pleasant range = 53% - 68%
RED = high relative humidity = >68%
Large water tank and permanent water drainage
The unit automatically shuts off when the water tank is full with LED signal in the display. The large water tank of the CA-708 Smart dehumidifier has a capacity of 6,5 liters and is equipped with a handle. After opening the swivel part at the back of the device, the tank is easily removable.
The condensation collected in the water tank can be discharged directly by connecting the supplied drain hose. This makes the CA-708 Smart dehumidifier suitable for continuous operation and unattended use.
Automatic defrost and restart function
The Clean Air Optima condensing - dehumidifier CA-708 Smart features an automatic defrost function. As soon as the sensor detects a temperature below the set value, defrosting starts automatically and also stops automatically when ready. The defrosting process involves making the evaporator ice-free again by stopping the cooling process and running the fan, which melts the ice. When restarted, the dehumidifier automatically continues its operation while preserving the settings.
Even after a power outage, automatic restart of the device follows with preservation of settings.
Laundry drying
The Clean Air Optima dehumidifier CA-708 Smart with 2in1 system for dehumidification and air cleaning supports the drying of your laundry. The swing function with the large rotation angle between 45° - 90° of the oscillation valve ensures good air circulation in the washroom.
The pre-filter and TRUE HEPA H13 filter with nano silver coating captures large dust particles such as dust fibers and lint from the washroom, and the activated carbon filter neutralizes odors.
The negative ions produced by the ionizer during the wash drying process also have a strong antistatic effect which acts positively on wash drying.
Easy to use
The convenient digital control panel on the top of the dehumidifier features eight touch sensitve buttons for easy selection of desired settings.
Settings CA-708 Smart
• Mode button for setting the desired program (Normal, Continuous, Air Cleaning, Dry Clothes)
• Setting for desired humidity adjustable between 30-80%
• Fan Speed High-Low
• 0-24 hour timer function with adjustable on and off time
• 0-24 hour weekly programming on and off time (adjustable via App)
• Sleep mode
The functions are adjustable via the digital control panel and/or the Clean Air Optima® App.
Usage and maintenance
Water tank and drainage
First turn off the appliance and then unplug it.
Emptying of the water tank
At the back of the device there is a revolving door in the lower part. After opening the door, the water tank can be taken out by the handle. After emptying, replace the water tank in reverse order.
Automatic water drainage
By connecting the supplied drain hose (10 mm round / 1 meter long) to the water tank, it is possible to drain the water continuously. Caution: the drain hose must always face downward and the end of the hose must always be below the height of the connection to the water tank to prevent water damage. By using the standard setting, implementing the unit with hygrostat and installing the drain hose, the CA-708 Smart dehumidifier is suitable for long-term use in unattended rooms.
Filter maintenance (display message 00)
Maintenance of permanent pre-filter
Clean permanent pre-filter every 2 weeks by vacuuming or rinsing with lukewarm water (Attention: replace filter dry. Do not clean with water above 40°C, not with alcohol, gasoline or other flammable agents).
1. Activated Carbon Filter
The activated carbon filter effectively filters gases, chemicals, cigarette smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and odors such as pet, mold, kitchen and paint odors formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, nicotine, etc. from indoor air.
2. TRUE HEPA H13 filter with nano silver coating
Purifies 99.97% of all suspended matter down to 0.3 micrometers (0.3 µm) from the air. The HEPA filter is the most effective air filter for removing:
• (fine) dust, cigarette smoke, pollen
• allergens
• any other solid particles
The antibacterial layer of nano silver coating on the filter eliminates bacteria and fungi.
Replacing filters
Replace the Activated Carbon Filter + TRUE HEPA H13 Filter after 3-6 months.
Wipe the outside of the device regularly with a soft, slightly damp cloth.
When the CA-708 Smart dehumidifier is not in use for an extended period of time, we recommend cleaning the device thoroughly beforehand and allowing all parts to dry thoroughly. The device should be stored in a cool and dry area.
Suitable for rooms up to: | 90m² / 225m³ / 965ft² |
Dehumidification technology: | Condensation drying |
Filter technologies: | Pre-filter, activated carbon filter, TRUE HEPA H13 Filter, UVC lamp and ionizer |
Dehumidification capacity: | 25 liters per day (30°C / Rv80%) |
SMART control using the Clean Air Optima® App: | Yes |
Fan Capacity: | 195 m³ /h |
Water tank: | 6,5 liter |
Ionizer capacity: | > 3,000,000 negative ions / cm³ |
Active oxygen: | < 0,04 ppm |
Power voltage: | 220-240V AC / 50Hz |
Power consumption: | 330 watt fan high and 290 watt fan low |
Temperature application range: | 5 - 32°C |
Filter replacement: | Replace activated carbon filter + HEPA filter after 3-6 months |
Dimensions: | 34 x 24 x 57 cm |
Weight: | 14,5 kg (empty) |
Noise level: | 30dB(A) Low 1 / 48dB(A) High 2 |
Color: | Ivory white / black |
SKU: | CA708Smart |
Category | Dehumidifiers |
10 reviews
Super pünktliche Lieferung,
Einfache Inbetriebnahme.
Preis - Leistung sehr gut.
Filterersatz ist noch nicht im Betrieb.
bis jetzt bin ich sehr überrascht über das positive Ergebnis.
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Als het buiten koud werd dan hadden we last van condens op de ramen. Erg irritant om er iedere keer weer voor te zorgen om de condens weer weg te halen. Met dit apparaat heb je er echt geen last meer van. We kregen de tip van kennissen, dit hadden we eerder moeten weten.
Deze luchtontvochtiger doet wat ie moet doen. Na een aantal uren aan te hebben gestaan al bijna 2 liter vocht uit de kamer gehaald. De vochtigheid zakte hierdoor van ruim 67% naar 50%. Wel vreemd dat ik in de app de minimale vochtigheid niet lager kan instellen van 45%.. Voor de rest dik tevreden!
Heb onlangs de CA-708 smart gekocht, omdat we in onze kelder - waar ook de ouderslaapkamer is gelegen - toch aardig wat last hadden van vochtige lucht en muffe geurtjes. Heb de 708 gekocht vanwege de omvang van de kelder (ruim 80m2). Wat een verschil merk je al, nadat het apparaat pas een uurtje heeft aangestaan: weg muffe lucht en de luchtvochtigheid daalt al meteen. Het is echt een heel fijn apparaat waar qua bedieningsmogelijkheden goed over is nagedacht. Alle functies die je nodig hebt, zijn aanwezig zonder overbodige poespas die je toch nooit gebruikt. Laat zich ook via de app makkelijk bedienen. Eerste week haalde ik elke dag een volle bak water uit de ontvochtiger, daarna begon de luchtvochtigheid zich te stabiliseren in de kelder. Heb hem zo ingesteld dat hij aanspringt zodra de luchtvochtigheid > 60% wordt. Vind het apparaat ook aardig stil. Ik ben heel erg tevreden met deze luchtontvochtiger.
Impressed so far. Brought the humidiry in my cellar 85m² down from 70-75% to 55% overnight. Its not the quietest but its certainly effective. Im happy with my purchase.
Je l'ai depuis une semaine, je le vide tous les jours, (car il est plein), je n'aurai jamais pensé un tel degré d'humidité !!!. Je suis ravie, de plus il est relativement silencieux. Je recommande.
Super gerät, Arbeit zuverlässig, reinigt die Luft und entzieht die Feuchtigkeit. Bin sehr zufrieden damit.
We hebben de luchtontvochtiger gekocht omdat we te maken hebben met een hoge luchtvochtigheid in onze garage. Het apparaat werkt super goed! De luchtvochtigheid ging snel van 80% naar 65%. De automatische stand houdt de luchtvochtigheid ook goed onder controle. De eerste dagen is er veel water uit de lucht onttrokken maar nu hoeft die nauwelijks meer te werken om het onder controle te houden. Ook de app werkt super handig. Makkelijk om te installeren en via de app is alles nu makkelijk in te stellen en te monitoren. Ook de bestelling en de levering verliep super snel. Echt een aanrader!
We hebben een tweede ontvochtiger gekocht voor een andere kamer. Ook hier weer een grote ontvochtigingscapaciteit. Nog meer dan ons vorige model. Enige nadeel, het maakt wel iets meer lawaai. Maar aangezien we het toestel ‘s nachts gebruiken (in de woonkamer) is dat niet erg. Zeker aan te raden voor goed geïsoleerde oudere woningen. Geen vocht meer op de ramen en koudebruggen!
Wat een aanwinst! Ik raad dit product aan bij iedereen die ook maar last heeft van vocht/schimmel of muffe geurtjes in huis.
In eerste instantie de luchtontvochter gekocht voor het opvangen van vocht in huis maar gisteren de stand voor natte kleding gebruikt en tot mijn verbazing was mijn kleding de volgende ochtend droog.
Ook de applicatie werkt uitstekend en is op afstand (zelfs in het buitenland) te bedienen.
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